Fermented Reading Room
sponsored by Porter Square Books

Below is a short-list of our 2017 esteemed & amazing writers who were onsite to sign and talk about their new books last year.
Book Signing Schedule
10-11am Elissa Surabian, the designer of our official poster, will be signing & selling posters!
10-11am Tracy Huang, author of The Fermented Vegetables Manual
11-12pm Alex Lewin and Raquel Guajardo, co-authors of Kombucha, Kefir & Beyond
12-1pm Jeffrey Roberts, author of Salted & Cured
1-2pm Michael Harlan Turkell, author of ACID TRIP: Trav els in the World of Vinegar
2-3pm Kirsten & Christopher Shockey, authors of Fiery Ferments and Fermented Vegetables
3-4pm Anne Wolf, co-author of Foolproof Preserving

*bonus* BFF official poster signing!
Elissa Surabian, the designer of our official poster, will be signing & selling posters!
Author Bios
Tracy Huang is a certified hatha yoga instructor pursuing her quest for finding out how to best take care of oneself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She is particularly passionate about functional eating (or, using food as medicine to heal the body) and connecting inner Self to real peace, joy, and happiness. She’s currently living in Londonderry, New Hampshire, with her husband Chris and a “furry baby” Liberty.
The Fermentation Vegetables Manual shows you a way to improve your skin, health, and happiness with a science-based approach to enjoying fermented vegetables the right way. It is a time-saving getting-started guide to mastering vegetable fermentation; it also helps you discover how to stay healthy and happy by living in harmony with bacteria, your most trusted allies.
Alex Lewin and Raquel Guajardo, co-authors of Kombucha, Kefir & Beyond and Real Food Fermentation
Jeffrey Roberts, author of Salted & Cured
A resident of Montpelier, Vermont, Jeff Roberts is president of Cow Creek Creative Ventures, which is dedicated to developing solutions in the areas of agriculture and food policy, conservation, the environment, and community economic development. He was cofounder and principal consultant at the Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese at the University of Vermont. His book The Atlas of American Artisan Cheese (Chelsea Green, 2007) was the first comprehensive survey of small-scale producers. He is a member of Guilde Internationale des Fromagers. He teaches the history and culture of food at the New England Culinary Institute, is a visiting professor at the University of Gastronomic Science, provides consulting services to a wide array of small-scale food producers, and is a frequent speaker in Europe and the United States on artisan food, sustainable agriculture, and the working landscape. His new book, Salted and Cured(Chelsea Green, 2017), examines the history and culture aspects of dry-cured meat from 1630 to the present.
For more than a decade, Jeff was active in Slow Food International and USA, including service as a director and treasurer of the national board. Locally he served as a director of the Central Vermont Community Land Trust, Vermont Arts Council, and Vermont Fresh Network.
Michael Harlan Turkell, author of ACID TRIP: Travels in the World of Vinegar
Michael Harlan Turkell is an award-winning food photographer and cookbook author. He has photographed many prominent chefs’ cookbooks and hosts The Food Seen podcast on Heritage Radio. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
In Acid Trip, Michael Harlan Turkell takes readers on a fascinating journey through the world of vinegar. An avid maker of vinegars at home, Turkell traveled throughout North America, France, Italy, Austria, and Japan to learn about vinegar-making practices in places where the art has evolved over centuries. This richly narrated cookbook includes recipes from leading chefs including Daniel Boulud, Barbara Lynch, Michael Anthony, April Bloomfield, Massimo Bottura, Sean Brock, and many others. Dishes range from simple to sophisticated and include Fried Eggs with a Spoonful of Vinegar, Sweet & Sour Peppers, Balsamic Barbecued Ribs, Poulet au Vinaigre, Tomato Tarragon Shrub, and even Vinegar Pie. Turkell also details methods for making your own vinegars with bases as varied as wine, rice, apple cider, and honey. Featuring lush color photographs by the author, Acid Trip is a captivating story of an obsession and an indispensable reference for any food lover who aspires to make and cook with the best ingredients.
Kirsten & Christopher Shockey, authors of Fiery Ferments and Fermented Vegetables
Kirsten & Christopher Shockey got their start in fermenting foods, first in their home, and then with their farmstead food company (Mellonia Farm), where they created over forty varieties of cultured vegetables and krauts. When they realized their passion was for the process, they chose to focus on teaching the art of fermenting vegetables. Kirsten & Christopher still experiments with new recipes, helping others set up in-house or farmstead “fermentories”, and teach classes at their farm and hosts small farm workshops.
Kirsten & Christopher lives on a 40-acre hillside homestead in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon, where they hav cultivated a handmade life for the last 15 years. Their days are a chaotic combination of parenting, day jobs, writing and navigating whatever the climate and the rural lifestyle throws their way.
Anne Wolf, Test Cook & Senior Editor at America's Test Kitchen and co-author of Foolproof Preserving