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Fermentation CSA

boston's first fermented food & drink focused CSA

*CSA stands for 'community supported agriculture' a new model of monthly vegetable pick up where the consumer purchases directly from the farmer. In our case, our CSA will be a monthly fermented food pick up!

We just finished our fall fermentation-themed CSA beta testing round and hope to relaunch the CSA publicly in 2017!

During our fall 2016 fermentation CSA, we distributed shares based on a donation and it was a private club. The membership fee was $50 for one month or $120 for three months. To stay in the loop on CSA news, join our mailing list here. And to join our waiting list for future shares, please email

What is a Fermentation CSA?

It is a monthly box of fermented products which are all locally fermented, crafted & curated by our fermenting team. Each month, you will receive between 5 to 7 fermented food & drinks - some that are familiar and some wildly creative. Every month, the box will likely include a vegetable sauerkraut or kimchi, a miso, and a fermented beverage or two plus several prepared fermented foods. And on this page, we will post descriptions of each of the ferments including ingredients, descriptions & suggestions (from our in-house chef!) on how to use each one. 

Who are these creative fermenters that are oganizing this?

We are a four person team made up of an engineer, a potter, a microbiologist and a chef. Our shared enthusiasm for wild fermentation has brought us together to collaborate and share our passion with all of you. We offer an affordable, educational and tasty opportunity to try new ferments each month. We support local farms, healthy guts and adventitious nutrition!

How does the pickup work?

Pickups will be the second Wednesday & Thursday of every month at Brassica Kitchen in JP (3710 Washington St, Jamaica Plain). The pickup window will be between 4-8pm, just come in any time between then and your CSA box will be waiting for you. So, our 3 monthly pickup dates are October 12 & 13, November 9 & 10 and December 14 & 15. 

How can I join?

We distribute shares based on a donation to join this private club. The membership fee is $50 for one month or $120 for three months. Unfortunately, our October, November & December shares are sold out. We plan to relaunch in 2017 after this initial beta testing phase and will let you know soon. To stay in the loop on CSA news, join our mailing list here. And to join our waiting list for future shares, please email





Boston Ferments is proud to be sponsored by Indigo, a local Boston company which offers microbial seed treatments for corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat; and Ginkgo Bioworks, who design custom microbes for customers across multiple markets, developing new organisms that replace technology with biology.

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