popup pickle picnic
from 12-3pm at the 2017 Boston Fermentation Festival you have the opportunity to hang out on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway with other fermenting enthusiasts and swap stories, struggles & starters!
Bring your starters and finished ferments to share! You will have the opportunity to chat with other picklers, ask a professional fermenter, participate in facilitated discussions, and enjoy live entertainment! Pull up a blanket and join us!
12-1 local expert Alex Lewin will be on hand to answer your burning fermentation questions. Alex is also speaking at the fest at 10am
1-2 A Human Kombucha dramatization by our friends & fermentation colleagues at Ferment Pittsburgh! Fermentation drama!! and immediately following the act, we will all share in Katalyst Kombucha's delicious booch!!
2-3 Beer chat with Boston Wort Processors Homebrew Club!